Hummingbirdman Birdman Rally is a competition where members of the public build home-made gliders, hang gliders and human-powered aircraft, ranging from very serious aircraft to mere costumes, leap off a river- or seaside jetty, and compete for distance and entertainment. The oldest Birdman Rally in the world started in Selsey, West Sussex, United Kingdom in 1971.

In Hummingbirdman Rally, players make a flying contraption for the dolls provided and see whose Hummingbird can fly the furthest or the funniest.

Hummingbirdman Rally is a drop in, constructive play piece.

Hummingbirdman Rally was first presented at the Fresh Air Festival at Federation Square in 2013.

Hummingbirdman Rally

Designed by Sayraphim Lothian

Photos by Sarah Walker and Sayraphim Lothian