Hummingbirdman Rally Make a flying contraption for the dolls provided and see whose Hummingbird can fly the furthest or the funniest. See more here |
The Cabinet of Dr Madazpantz Dr Madazpantz was a scientist of dubious sanity who spent his life traveling the world collecting specimens of every type of bug and small animal he could find for his collection. Sadly, the good doctor has passed on, but you can contribute to his collection by creating a critter as yet unseen by the human eye. See more here |
Take a Moment, Leave a Moment Some one has made a little artwork just for you to take, have a seat and choose one. Then, take a moment to make one to leave for someone else. This gentle piece is about creating anonymous works of art, poetry, works or thoughts to share with strangers. See more here |
Midnight in the City It’s midnight in the city and the streets are deserted. You have at your disposal images, textas, pens and glue. These are our streets and we’re taking them back… Everyone’s an artist and we’re here to make the streets our gallery in this gallery of streets. See more here |