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The fall always comes – A response to True Romans All by Emilie Collyer


Casca (James Tresise) photographed by Catherine Drysdale

The fall always comes

A response to True Romans All

by Emilie Collyer

Their problem was in underestimating me.

This has been the case since I was a child. It used to pull at me, like hooks under skin. Not even worth a mention. Not even: ‘Keep an eye on that one.’ Nothing. The glazed flick with the eye, dismissing me. Not built for fighting. Not pretty enough for fucking.

In a city where you rise to the top with boots and knives or sink under the weight of others’ ambitions, I found a way.

Living between the cracks.

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#TrueRomansAll production shots

Some beautiful shots from Catherine Drysdale of the Conspiracy path of our recent street game #TrueRomansAll, a co-production between Bell Shakespeare’s Minds Eye program and Pop Up Playground based on Julius Caesar.

Playtest of #TrueRomansAll

Last weekend we playtested #TrueRomansAll, our Bell Shakespeare commission turning Julius Caesar into a street game. Thanks to our playtesters (most of whom who will go on to be our actors and game runners in the final work)

#TrueRomansAll on AMPAG

Friends, Romans, it’s time to play

​Bell Shakespeare’s Mind’s Eye and Pop Up Playground are collaborating in the creation of a new immersive theatre performance, #TrueRomansAll, from this month, with three test performances scheduled for mid-October.

Mind’s Eye is Bell Shakespeare’s creative development arm, which seeks out artists and companies in the small to medium sector to collaboratively develop work that takes its inspiration from Shakespeare and the classics.

The project will come with a downloaded game app, inspired by Shakespeare’sJulius Caesar.

#TrueRomansAll will be directed by Robert Reid, a freelance playwright, game designer and academic, as well as being Pop Up Playground’s artistic director.

Pop Up Playground is a company that makes ‘immersive reactive situation’—that is, it plays games and tells stories with goals such as to stimulate engagement, build relationships and solve problems.


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