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Halloween Citydash


We’re resurrecting Citydash for one spooky night in and around East Melbourne!

The game rewards caution and stealth as well as speed and cleverness, and requires teamwork and strong leadership to win.

Each team plays with a smartphone logged into the Citydash web app, which provides them with clues about the location of checkpoints hidden around the play area. Your task is to find them while avoiding the guards who are out looking for you – if they spot you, it’ll cost you points!

Clues will be Halloween themed, there will be extra points awarded for costumes (20 points per costumed player, 100 points for a costumed team) and we have convinced several of the scary clowns from The Curse to stalk the streets hunting Citydash players.

It might be at night, but don’t worry, we got you covered – we’re provide torches. Because there’s nothing that drives the terrifying dark away like a $2 LED torch…

And of course, there will be prizes of Halloween candy for the winning teams. So go on, sign up. You know you wanna!


Where: Powlett Reserve, Corner of Albert and Powlett Streets
When: 6:30pm. We’ll be finished (and debriefing in a pub!) by 8pm.
Dress: Encouraged (but not mandatory) – remember we’ll give bonus points for halloween costumes!
Who: You! Teams are 2-5 players, but several teams can stick together if you like.
How much: $25, in advance only

Trailer for our Melbourne Fringe season of Citydash:

Citydash at Melbourne Fringe

city dash 2

Run for it!

Citydash, by Fire Hazard Games and presented in Melbourne by Pop Up Playground, is an hour-long team game in which players try to locate hidden codes while hiding from guards. Finding the codes scores points, but being spotted by a guard stops your team from being able to use some of the codes. The game rewards caution and stealth as well as speed and cleverness, and requires teamwork and strong leadership to win.

Each team plays with a smartphone logged into the Citydash web site, which provides them with clues about the location of the codes. The codes are printed on small stickers which are hidden in difficult to find places: under benches, on the backs of signs etc.

When the time is up, players are gathered back at the starting point and the winning teams are announced, with smaller prizes for teams with particular achievements like being caught most often, finding the most difficult codes and the like.

Saturday 19th SeptNorth Melbourne Town Hall 4:30pm and 7pm

Saturday 26th SeptBirrarung Marr, next to Federation Square in the CBD 4:30pm and 7pm

Saturday 3rd OctoberLibrary at The Dock, Docklands 4:30pm and 7pm

Tickets: $25

Bookings: Melbourne Fringe Website

Citydash Melbourne!

CityDash_final_webPop Up Playground presents Fire Hazard Games‘ Citydash!

Citydash is a fast game of speed, stealth, and strategy, played on the streets.

Your team will dash for checkpoints, replan on the fly as your targets change, and duck for cover as our patrolling guards close in. Cryptic clues, checkpoint challenges and moving targets make it a mental challenge as much as a physical one!

Played in cities around the world and last presented in Melbourne as part of Fresh Air, Citydash is here presented with all new clues and locations.



Dates: Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 of May
Session times: 4:30pm and 7pm
Venue: Meet at the grassy amphitheater in Fed Square


Photo by JT. Production Management